About the Designer

Gift of Design - About Me
I am so glad you decided to visit my page today. Gift of Design has been a blessing to me so I am extremely excited about the opportunity to share this gift with you.
Let me tell you a little about myself and where the inspiration for my collections came from. First and foremost I am a woman of faith hence the title of my collection, Gift of Design (G.O.D.) Embracing the unique characteristics of who God has crafted me to be enabled me to use my talents and time to develop a business.
My husband and I have been fortunate to travel to many places however I found limited items that suited my unique personality. Who better to design an accessory totally suitable for me but me and who better to give me the inspiration but God. (Won’t He will!, lol!) As a very charismatic, joyful person I like to style myself with accessories that match the joy and vibrant colors within me. The responses and support I received from family and friends was so rewarding, I wanted to share this unique style with you.
Though this business started as a personal pleasure it has developed into an opportunity to share a piece of myself with those that I love respect and new friends. I delight in those things that bring me joy and joy to others. As Matthew 6:21 states “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” I hope your heart has led you to some timeless treasures here on my site that you will treasure from my heart to yours. Again thank you for visiting my website. I hope you are inspired by what you find and may God endow you with these Gifts of Design. ;-)
Wendetta Langston